FUT Hair Transplant
FUT hair transplant
FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) involves removing a strip of skin containing hair from the donor scalp at the back of the head. This strip can contain thousands of hair follicles which are individually dissected under magnification and prepared for transplantation.
Dr. Raja will create small incisions into the recipient area after which the follicular units will be carefully placed with the aid of his surgical assistants.
FUT surgery has many benefits and in certain circumstances may be more appropriate than FUE. Overall the FUT procedure will maintain a better density in the donor area which allows for future surgeries if required. A larger volume of follicles can be harvested in one session with FUT and it may be a favourable option of the extent of loss is greater on the scale.
The procedure is a popular choice amongst those with longer hair or female patients as the donor scar can be concealed easily. FUT will leave a linear donor scar which may be more visible if the hair is kept very short.
The procedure is completed under a local anaesthetic and can take between 3-8 hours on average. The donor wound is closed using a trichophytic wound closure technique – this facilitates hair growth through the scar and can reduce scar visibility. The stitches will dissolve on their own and do not require any further visits for removal.
Complications after an FUT surgery are rare but patients may feel some discomfort in the donor area post-op and will be provided with pain relief to help with this.
Growth can be expected 3-6 months after the procedure with a full result at 12-18 months.
Frequently asked questions
How do I know it will work for me?
Each individual is assessed by Dr. Raja to determine whether transplantation will be the best option. Usually this is dependent on several factors such as density of the donor area and the extent of hair loss. We pay great attention to detail and ensure that the utmost care is taken in graft handling – this means that we check each individual graft under magnification to achieve an excellent result post transplantation. Dr. Raja will only proceed with a procedure if he feels that it would meet your expectations for a good result.
What can I expect before an fuT hair transplant surgery?
During the consultation Dr. Raja will have an in-depth discussion with you about your reasons for wanting to pursue a hair transplant. Hair transplant surgery should always be used as a last resort option where non-surgical treatments would be unlikely to provide the desired outcome. The consultation process is crucial in determining suitability and gauging expectations. Dr. Raja will examine your scalp and then careful map out the areas that would need treatment. He would then provide a structured treatment plan which may include a recommended combination of surgical/non-surgical treatment in order to provide the best result from an FUT.
You will always be given a two-week cooling-off period between consultation and surgery to allow enough time for careful consideration of the procedure.
Your treatment coordinator will contact you prior to surgery to ensure that any questions are answered.
What can I expect During an fuT hair transplant surgery?
The entire procedure is an awake surgery performed under local anaesthetic – other than the initial discomfort from the anaesthetic injections patients should not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure – we often find that they may even fall asleep!
Dr. Raja offers regular breaks in-between his surgeries and patients are able to sit comfortably and watch television during the final stage of the procedure.
The harvesting process typically takes up to 1 hour depending on the graft requirement. Dr. Raja will start by using a local anaesthetic in the donor area. He will then make two incisions and gently remove the strip. The wound will then be closed using a neat trycophytic closure technique which allows for hair to grow into the scar (aiming to reduce scar prominence).
The FUT strip is then carefully dissected under magnification by Dr. Raja’s team in preparation for implantation.
During this time the incisions will be made using a depth-gauged needle which Dr. Raja hand-manipulates to suit the length of the grafts – this ensures that all the incisions are a uniform depth and allows for a more consistent result.
The FUT grafts are then carefully placed into the incisions by Dr. Raja and his team.
The placement is then thoroughly inspected by Dr. Raja under high magnification to ensure that the grafts have been placed successfully. This would complete the procedure. The aftercare instructions are delivered over an offering of tea, this discussion ensures that you are well prepared to care for the grafts during the two week post-op period and beyond.
What can I expect after an fuT hair transplant surgery?
Aftercare is tailored to individual needs however it is crucial that we carry out the aftercare routine thoroughly – your care assistant will be available to hand throughout your journey and will be able to guide you if there are any queries. The immediate post-operative recovery period lasts two weeks. During this two week period you would be following the aftercare guidelines, ensuring that the grafted area is cleaned carefully and all provisions are made to allow for a smooth healing process. You may have a mild headache on the evening of the surgery – this is usually well controlled with the pain relief provided. The following day you should wake up and not have any significant pain or discomfort. It is normal to experience some itching in the donor area but this usually settles down within a few days. It is normal to have mild swelling on the forehead which will usually settle down within a few days.
Dr. Raja will monitor the progress of your procedure by reviewing at 3 months (optional), 6 months (highly recommended) and 12 months (essential). During these reviews any concerns can be alleviated and it is important to check that the growth is satisfactory at each stage – the 3rd and 6th month reviews can be done via video link to allow flexibility.
Do I need to shave my hair?
FUT allows for more flexibility with not having to shave the donor area. One of the main advantages with FUT is that we can easily remove the strip without having to shave the donor area. This allows for the donor area to be concealed well with existing hair.
The suitability for each type of procedure can be assessed and discussed during consultation.
What will it look like afterwards?
The donor scar will take time to heal completely but the stitches should have dissolved within 10-14 days. The recipient area will form small scabs which are often concealed by recipient or surrounding hair. Once the scabs have shed the recipient area looks relatively normal. Following the aftercare with due-diligence will ensure a speedy recovery.
Will I need just one transplant?
Hair loss is a progressive condition. We focus on long-term results and this may warrant the use of medication alongside FUT surgery in certain cases. Being vigilant and staying on top of progressive hair loss provides the best results for an FUT Surgery overall. We anticipate at least 90% graft viability with an FUT surgery, however, as hair loss progresses to different areas it is likely you may warrant further surgery to keep up with the loss. This of course depends on the health of the donor area – a higher volume of grafts will cause more scarring which can limit the potential for future harvesting. Careful planning can provide you with excellent results which last.
How long will it take for the hair to grow?
The recipient area will shed donor hair within 2-4 weeks. New growth is usually seen between 2-6 months and this is expected to increase in density up until the final result (usually 12-18 months)
procedure length
3-8 hours single session
Light exercise after 1 week, high intensity after 2 weeks
Recovery Time
2 weeks
back to work
7-10 days
1-2 Weeks
Day Case Procedure
Sleep on back with incline for a few days post-op using neck pillow provided
Body Shower: Day 1, Aftercare routine involves using saline solution and transitioning to gentle wash from day 4 post-op
12 Months
Advanced Techniques
Beautiful Results
To book an initial consultation, complete the pre-assessment questionnaire via the link below. This will help us determine whether you are a suitable candidate for FUE hair transplant surgery.